Friday 4 September 2015


Model 3 Parameter 1

Model 3 Parameter 2 

Distinctiveness of Design

Week 4’s design is based around mobility. This concept is shown in the script as it is mobile and moves by itself using the plug-in 'Kangaroo.' This structure is similar to origami, as it is a surface which has been folded numerous times. Within the script, you are able to change parameters such as how many folds, the size, the intensity of the folds.

Model 3 in Real time Environment 

Plans for Model 3 



Model 2 Parameter 1

Model 2 Parameter 2

Model 2 Parameter 3

Model 2 Parameter 4 

Distinctiveness of Design  

Weeks 3’s pavilion is inspired by ‘emergence’. Whilst playing around with the parameters of the building, I decided I would merge the different shapes together that were generated. I have interpreted the lecture of emergence as a way of coming together. The shape of the structures are based on an image of fish shown in the lecture. This notion of coming together can be interpreted in two ways; one would be the shapes merging and colliding and another would be the community coming together due to the pavilion. This is why I have left the majority of the site free so it can be used as a park.

Model 2 in Real Time Environment

Plan for Model 2




Model 1 Parameter 1 

Model 1 Parameter 2


Distinctiveness of Design

Week 2’s grasshopper script has been generated based on the theory of the terminal line. The roof of the pavilion has had a temporary loss of smoothness due to the supporting walls/beams cutting through. Also, the curvature of the roof is anchored and dependent on the location of the wall/beams. The design shown in the environment has the walls placed over the top of lines that where shown in the original site plan.  

Model 1 in Real Time Environment



Plan for Model 1 




Things learnt from Tutorials

- Blueprint = Visual Scripting (similar to grasshopper)
- Can use blueprints to perform simple actions or complex actions
- 'G' = Game view
- Red lines = Boolean, Green lines = Floats, Teal lines = integers, White lines = execution wires 
-  Blueprint can not have one event run multiple functions at the same time
- Things need to be done sequentially
- Class Blueprint: compile will make the blueprint run in the view port.
- Class Blueprint: will allow you to use the blueprint again. (much light a cluster in grasshopper)
- Class blueprint: Has a construction script and a event script
- CTRL whilst dragging will 'get' a component. ALT will 'set' a new component.